
Donations can be made through Google Checkout, or by sending a check to:

The Seneca 
PO Box 381614
Cambridge, MA 02238-1614



How will your donation be used to further The Seneca's mission?


Perhaps the biggest obstacle which The Seneca faces on the road to achieving its mission is in the financial realm. Donations can be made to either the general fund, or The Seneca Capital Campaign.  Every member of The Seneca pays a moderate fee each semester, with financial aid provided for those who need it. This money is primarily used to support the following endeavors:

1) Improving the social opportunities available to the entire undergraduate community. Last academic year, The Seneca hosted open events attended by well over 2000 Harvard students including our Harvard-Yale tailgate, the Women's Faculty Reception, Women’s Week, the Women's Community Fair, and Red Party, as well as various smaller discussion and speaker events.

2) Developing and supporting events and projects that raise awareness of women's issues on campus. Examples include the Harvard HPV Awareness Campaign, a Navigating Nutrition speaker event, a Social Spaces Discussion, The Seneca Speaker Series and co-sponsorship of Take Back the Night Week that annually focuses on concerns such as rape and violence against women.

3) Promoting internal cohesion among the members of The Seneca. The Seneca sponsors events that bring members together in a fun, relaxed social setting to foster a sense of internal community.  Internal cohesiveness is indispensable to the effective service of the larger Harvard community and beyond.

Your contribution could be used to aid any of these three purposes, or it could be employed strictly for financial aid. We have received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, which makes all donations tax deductible. This can be applied retroactively, making any donations received previously tax-deductible.


The Seneca Capital Campaign

The Seneca Capital Campaign is run separately from our general fund. In order to physically establish our lasting commitment to women at Harvard, we must purchase a building. This property would serve both as a home for our activities and as a space for other Harvard women's groups to use. The whole of this sum would be used to purchase property in the immediate vicinity of the Harvard campus. For those who wish to contribute, there are two options, outlined below:

A) Contribute to The Seneca Capital Campaign immediately. Your donation will be put in a restricted money-market account, to be used when the total sum necessary has been accumulated, and will be tax-deductible.

B) Pledge a contribution to The Seneca Capital Campaign, to be collected when the sum of donations and pledges is enough to buy property.


For further information:

Contact Kellee Patterson (patterson.kellee@gmail.com)